Can We Reschedule Our Newborn Session for Christmas Eve? | Pensacola Photographer
Committing to a career as a birth photographer means being okay with working days and hours that other people wouldn’t dream of. Like when a newborn client calls to reschedule her session because everyone is really sick, but she’s a first year OB/GYN resident and the only other days she and her husband can both be available is Christmas Eve & Christmas Day… I say no problem.
I mean yeah, I’m going to block those dates on my calendar initially, along with any other days my own husband has off work. But ultimately, if I’m already on-call, I don’t have plans I can’t cancel, and I can certainly work an in-home session around any holiday plans I might have.
I’ve worked on plenty of holidays, including Christmas, Thanksgiving, and even a Super-Bowl Sunday.
This is the life I chose. While I am exceedingly grateful when my clients are wildly appreciative of what seems to be a crazy scheduling accommodation, you’re honestly not putting me out. It’s just a reality of my work that I accepted long ago. I’m not afraid to say that I’m unavailable (for sessions that aren’t a birth) if I have a personal commitment, but If I don’t have to, I won’t.
Plus, there are few better ways to spend a couple of hours than in the presence of a face like this: