The Salleys | Gulf Breeze Family Photographer


Writing about my sessions is probably my least favorite part of this job. I would not consider myself good writer and it takes me ages to compose (and proof read) something that doesn't sound...dumb. And so, in an effort to keep up from getting behind on my blogging, I have recently made it part of my workflow that I blog a session BEFORE delivering images to the client. It keeps me motivated. So far this method working out pretty well! But I have a few straggling sessions that didn't get blogged. This is one such session that I am so excited to finally get to share! I have known Ashley since we were kids. We acted in Pensacola Little Theater performances, sang in the Pensacola Children's Chorus, and ended up at Pensacola High School (for more theater and chorus) in our teenage years. At some point we also attended to the same college. But college is big, and we never connected. Gulf Breeze Family Photographer

But there is something about having kids that brings women together, no matter how long it has been or how far apart they have drifted. Ashley and I have grown to be better friends over shared experiences with our first babies and thru out pregnancies with our second babies. So I was, of course, over the moon when she asked for a family session. Well actually she asked for a mini session, noting concern that her kids wouldn't last long in front of the camera. When I explained that I only do lifestyle sessions, and how they are PERFECT for kids that don't want to sit still, she was on board.

The day of our session ended up being wet and dreary. But with walls and walls of windows inside and some dashing out to the backyard in between showers, things worked out beautifully. I didn't hurt that this family is so adorably animated and engaging. We couldn't have had more fun playing in the yard, in the house, and jumping on the couches. Without further ado, meet the Salleys!

Please take a moment to leave a comment for Ashley & Jared. They will receive a FREE 8x10 mounted print from their session after 50 people have commented.