Fine Art School Portraits | Pensacola
This year I launched a new segment of my business, fine art school portraits.
Maybe that seems like a bit of a disconnect from my usual documentary/lifestyle approach, but for me it feels like a very natural extension to the work that I love. It’s all about breaking the mold of the traditional stiff, boring, awkward (and generally just awful) school portraits to provide parents with yearly pictures they might actually want to hang on the wall.
It’s about giving kids an opportunity to be themselves in front of the camera. To stand, to move, to smile, to laugh, to be serious. To be REAL. With permission to have fun with it, they so naturally offer up a wide range of genuine expressions.
Sometimes they are soulful…
Sometimes sweet…
Sometimes downright silly…
And always full of personality.
It’s about beautiful, high quality portraits that parents can feel good about buying and truly treasure forever.
If your school doesn’t offer my fine art school portrait program, you should change that. Reach out to your administrators and/or PTA and send them here for more information:
OR! You can act on your own and bring your kids to my next Fine Art School Portrait open house. This is a free portrait event that I will hold at the beginning of each school year. (All ages are welcome…yes, even infants.)
Check out some of the cuties that visited me at this year’s open house and leave a comment to let me know what you think!